Tuesday 24 March 2020

Changes to Big Data and Society’s Review Policy due to COVID-19.

Changes to Big Data and Society’s Review Policy due to COVID-19.

Hello to all readers, authors and reviewers. Given the challenges around COVID-19 facing many of us, it makes little sense to continue with our normal review process. So, beginning today, Big Data and Society is starting a review hiatus for the next four weeks.

This means that (1) we will pause asking for any new reviews until April 19th. (2) For papers currently in review, we will extend the time for currently assigned referee reports by 4 weeks. (3) we will extend the submission deadline of papers in revision by 4 weeks. (4) We’ll still be accepting papers during this time but will not start the review process until April 19th. (5) Decisions on our recent call for special themes will also be pushed back until the end of April.

We recognize that these changes are toughest on authors (particularly those facing tenure and promotion decisions) and are prepared to address the specific circumstances they face. We will re-assess things shortly before April 19th and adjust plans according. If you have questions, please contact Matthew Zook (Managing Editor), zook@uky.edu.

We wish everyone and their loved ones health and safety in the upcoming weeks. Stay well. Editorial Team of Big Data and Society journal