With the ringing in of the New Year we are
happy to announce changes to the Journal as part of our objective to
periodically renew its leadership.
Editorial Team and Board
We have renewed the Editorial leadership of
the Journal to ensure it remains dynamic. Three new co-editors joined our
Editorial Team (ET) in 2017: Agnieszka Leszczynski, Environment Department, The
University of Auckland, NZ; Dhiraj Murthy, Department of Journalism and
Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, US; and Jennifer Gabrys,
Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths University of London, UK. Additionally,
we have introduced a new position, that of Managing Editor.
Co-editor Matt Zook, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky, US
has moved into this position and Evelyn Ruppert will continue as Editor.
We are also pleased to announce that Age Poom, Department of Geography, University of Tartu, EE will assume the position of Editorial Assistant. We have also renewed our Editorial Board to ensure that we expand the range of researchers engaged in the Journal. To that end, some existing members are not continuing and we are pleased to welcome a dozen new members. The new list of ET and EB members can be found here.
Thank you
We acknowledge with thanks the
contributions of previous members of our Editorial Team: Co-Editors, Adrian
Mackenzie and Irina Shklovski; Editorial Assistant Ville Takala; and all the
Editorial Board members not continuing with the Journal. Additionally,
the Journal would not be possible and successful without the work of
innumerable reviewers. We have learned greatly from their insights and the
quality of the Journal attests to their efforts and commitment.