Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Data Practices Seminar Series

Tomorrow is the launch of a seminar series organised by Editor Evelyn Ruppert and her Goldsmiths colleagues Alex Wilkie, Jennifer Gabrys, & Noortje Marres. The series explores the analytic interest and methodological preoccupation with ‘data’ and the shifting terrain of data practices across design and social science. Incorporating lectures, workshops and demonstrations, the seminar series brings together a resonant range of events on data practices that provoke questions about the formation and force of data, the claims made for and through data, and the altered practices and politics of data.

The first seminar will involve an introduction to the series by the organisers called 'A thing to talk with.'  As part of this series, on 19 February co-editors of the BD&S journal will speak about 'Big Data Practices.'

Details about the series can be found at this link.